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Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

I had the honor to be part of Transformational Leaders Network 2015, an event that brings together leaders from different walks of life to converse, connect, challenge and celebrate each other. This was the first time I attended and it was worth every minute. The one day event focused on awakening people to the greatness with in them. For the first time, it was brought to my attention that crises are not dreadful after all.
The host and opening speaker- Pastor Moses Mukisa affirmed the fact that we are all called to greatness. And the fact that leadership is about writing a different story where another exists. It is about writing a story that impacts the lives of others. However for many of us, the opportunities to arise to these leadership roles will be birthed in crisis moments.
Every crisis presents an opportunity to serve those affected, paving a way to greatness. Throughout history, crises have been the release mechanism for greatness. The very challenges you are facing could be the long awaited opportunity to set into your purpose and make your mark on history.
Looking back on my life, I realize that the reason I am where I am and doing what I do is because of the crises that I have had to go through over the years. One of those was being forced to drop out of school due to lack of tuition and here I am today empowering out of school youth to become employable. Not only am I driven by passion, I also have a detailed understating of their situations because I have walked a mile in their shoes. I could cite several crises that have turned out to be blessings in disguise just like you would if you took the time to think through and reflect on your life.
In case you are feeling stuck in life and wondering what step to take next, you can start by identifying the crises you are currently dealing with or have dealt with and think of ways that they could be turned into opportunities to unmask your greatness.
“Never let a crisis go to waste, for in it lies your call to greatness”
Moses Mukisa
By Noeline Kirabo

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