Mother Teresa once said “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.” We have been smiling all our lives. And to some degree, we already possess the inherent knowledge that smiling not only feels good but it actually does good too.
A smile speaks for itself. You are more likely to approach someone with a warm smile across their face than a stone faced person anytime any day. We are naturally hardwired to be attracted to people who smile. Something about seeing someone smile builds up all this positive energy in our minds. And every time we see them, we associate them with all that positive energy. So, the next time you’re around a bunch of friends or strangers (it really doesn’t matter) and you want to attract attention, just smile.
Turns out the happier you are the more creative you get. Studies have been carried out to confirm this and if you think about it, it makes a whole lot of sense. If you are a creative you know well enough that you can’t come up with something when you’re down in the dumps. And we all love and appreciate creativity in all its dimensions because creative people help us find solutions to life challenges.
When we smile at others, we exude confidence. Studies have even found that those who smile frequently make more money in tips, are much more likely to receive a raise, and more likely to move up the ladder compared with their far-too-often frowning, grumpy peers. Your smile could be the missing link between you and your next promotion. Keep smiling your way to the top of the career ladder. It actually costs you nothing but the gain is great.
Smiling encourages trust. We can all agree to that. A person who is constantly smiling appears more trustful than someone who is not. And what more do we look for in a great leader than trust? Take a look at all the popular leaders of the world. I don’t say the great leaders, because not all of them may be popular. But the popular ones, who are also the more successful, smile more often than others. This is true for leadership in all levels. Fear and intimidation may work like a charm for a while, but they never last long. The leaders who truly make a mark in history are the ones that smile.
Too much stress in life can cause myriad problems, including obesity, asthma, headaches, Alzheimer’s disease, and even premature death. Smiling reduces stress and cuts your risk of these stress-related risks. It improves your mood significantly, as well as that of others who are lucky enough to witness your smile. When you’re happy your body is happy too. If you want to remain physically and mentally healthy, smile. This will calm you down and your body will do all the other necessary work to repair itself. And let us face the fact, healthy people are good company than ailing people so keep smiling.
Your smile can lighten the mood of any situation you find yourself in and has the power to lift the mood of those who see your friendly expression. Bring more happiness to the world, greet everyone with a smile.
Dale Carnegie wrote this on his book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”: “A smile costs nothing, but creates much. It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.”